How to Create Your Own Rust Package

Are you excited about Rust and want to take your coding game to the next level? Creating your own Rust package is an excellent way to contribute to the community while honing your programming skills. In this guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of creating your own Rust package.

Before we dive in, let's explore what Rust packages are and why they matter.

What are Rust Packages?

Rust packages are collections of code that are bundled together in a way that they can be shared and reused across different applications. They are created using the Cargo build system, which is Rust's official package manager.

Packages are an important part of the Rust ecosystem, enabling developers to leverage pre-existing code to build more sophisticated applications quickly. For example, you might create a Rust package that provides a set of utility functions, like functions to manipulate strings or numbers.

Why Create Your Own Rust Package?

There are several reasons why you might want to create your own Rust package. Perhaps you want to share code with others or simply organize your own projects more efficiently. Furthermore, contributing to the Rust community by creating a package can be a great way to give back.

Creating your own Rust package can also be a valuable learning experience. You'll gain experience in Rust programming, package development, and testing - important skills that will set you apart from other developers.

How to Create a Rust Package

Creating your own Rust package is easy thanks to the Cargo build system. In this section, we'll take you through the process step-by-step.

Step 1: Install Rust and Cargo

Before you can get started with Rust package development, you'll need to install Rust and Cargo on your system. Fortunately, it's straightforward to do so.

First, head to the Rust homepage ( and download the Rust installer for your operating system. Run the installer, and it will install Rust and Cargo for you.

Step 2: Create a New Cargo Package

Once you have Rust and Cargo installed, you're ready to create a new package.

Open up a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you want to create your package. Once there, run the following command:

cargo new my_package

This command will create a new directory called my_package and initialize it with a basic Rust project structure.

Step 3: Write Your Rust Package

With your package initialized, you can start writing your Rust code.

Open up your code editor and navigate to the my_package directory. You'll see several files, including Cargo.toml, which is your package's manifest file, and src/, which is the entry point for your package.

Write your Rust code in one or more files in the src directory. For example, you might create a file, where you define your Rust functions, structs, and other code.

Step 4: Build Your Rust Package

Once you've written your code, you can build your Rust package using Cargo.

Navigate to the my_package directory in your terminal and run the following command:

cargo build

This command will compile your Rust code and generate the executable binary or library for your package. You'll find the output in the target/debug directory.

Step 5: Test Your Rust Package

Testing your Rust package is an important step in the development process. Fortunately, Cargo makes it easy to write and run tests.

In your Rust package's src directory, create a new file called In this file, you can write automated tests for your Rust code.

To run the tests for your package, navigate to the my_package directory in your terminal and run the following command:

cargo test

This command will run all the tests you've defined for your package and provide you with feedback about any failures.

Step 6: Publish Your Rust Package

Once you've built and tested your Rust package, you're ready to publish it to the Rust package registry (

First, you'll need to create an account on if you don't already have one. Once you've created your account, log in to using the following command:

cargo login

This command will prompt you to enter your login credentials.

Next, navigate to the my_package directory in your terminal and run the following command to publish your package:

cargo publish

This command will package up your Rust code and upload it to the Rust package registry, where others can discover and use it.


Creating your own Rust package is a rewarding experience that can help you build your programming skills and contribute to the Rust community. With the Cargo build system, it's straightforward to create, build, test, and publish your package.

We hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at or ask the Rust community for help. Happy coding!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed