Rust Package Development: Lessons Learned

Are you a Rust enthusiast? Have you already started working on your own Rust package development project? Well, you've come to the right place! As a Rust developer, I have experienced some challenges during my journey, but the lessons learned have been priceless. Therefore, I decided to share my experiences and lessons learned on Rust package development, hoping that it will help and inspire other developers out there.

The Importance of Proper Planning

Proper planning is paramount in any project, more so for Rust package development. It is important to define the goals and objectives of the package development project at the outset, to determine the scope of the project, and to identify the target audience. This planning can be broken down into three key areas:

Identifying the Project Requirements

The first step towards successful Rust package development is identifying the requirements of the project. What is the package supposed to do? Who is the target audience? What functionalities should be included in the package? What is the performance expectation? These are some of the questions that should be answered to ensure the package development is successful. By answering these questions, you will be able to create a roadmap that will guide the project.

Outlining the Key Features and User Stories

An essential part of planning is outlining the key features of the package and defining the user stories. By doing so, you create a clear picture of what the package should do and how it should do it, which will make it easier for you to develop the package. User stories also help to guide development by putting the package's user first and ensuring it meets their needs.

Considering Packaging and Distribution

Planning for packaging and distribution is crucial for successful Rust package development. You need to consider how users will install, use, and manage your package. Rust has its own packaging system, and as a package developer, you need to understand how to create a package, how to publish it on, and how to manage dependencies. You should also consider the package documentation, as it helps users to understand how to use the package and its functionalities.

Proper Testing and Documentation

Testing and documentation are critical aspects of Rust package development. When creating a package, you should ensure that you test it thoroughly to ensure that it is robust, stable, and able to handle different scenarios. You should also document your package code to make it easy for others to understand and use. Documentation should be available in different formats, including files, examples, and tutorials.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is a crucial part of Rust package development. It involves testing different functions and modules of the package to ensure they perform as expected. Proper unit testing ensures that the package is stable, and new features can be added without breaking it.

Integration Testing

Integration testing involves testing how different parts of the package work together. It helps to ensure that the package works as expected in different environments and circumstances. Integration testing should consider edge cases and failure scenarios.


Documentation should be a priority during Rust package development. Proper documentation makes it easy for users to understand how to use the package and how it works. It should be available in various formats, including files, tutorials, and examples. Proper documentation also helps to attract new users to the package and build a community around it.

Community and Collaboration

Community and collaboration are essential aspects of Rust package development. Rust has a growing community of developers, and package development projects can benefit from this community's experience and expertise.

Leverage Existing Libraries

Rust is a language that encourages code reuse, and package developers can leverage existing libraries to build their packages. By using existing libraries, package developers can save time and resources and benefit from the experience of other developers.

Engage with the Rust Community

Joining the Rust community is an excellent way to connect and collaborate with other Rust developers. Rust has a growing community of developers who are passionate about the language and package development. Joining the community can provide you with access to Rust development resources, including package development best practices and forums.

Seek Feedback

Seeking feedback is a great way to improve your package. By engaging with users and other developers, you will learn about the package's strengths and weaknesses, identify areas that need improvement, and fix issues. Feedback can come from user reviews, discussion forums, or code reviews.


Rust is a language that has gained a lot of popularity among developers due to its robustness and performance. Rust package development is an exciting journey that can be a challenging experience for developers. However, with proper planning, testing, documentation, and community collaboration, package development can be a success. Keep honing your Rust development skills, and don't forget to have fun along the way!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed