Best Rust Packages for Cryptography

Are you looking for a secure and efficient way to handle cryptography in your Rust projects? Look no further than these top Rust packages for cryptography! With their powerful algorithms and easy-to-use interfaces, these packages will help you keep your data safe and secure.

1. RustCrypto

RustCrypto is a comprehensive collection of cryptographic algorithms and primitives written in Rust. It includes everything from symmetric ciphers and hash functions to public-key cryptography and digital signatures. With RustCrypto, you can be sure that your data is protected by the latest and most secure cryptographic techniques.

One of the great things about RustCrypto is its modular design. You can easily mix and match different algorithms and primitives to create a custom cryptographic solution that meets your specific needs. And because RustCrypto is written in Rust, you can be sure that it's fast and efficient, even on resource-constrained devices.

2. Sodiumoxide

Sodiumoxide is a Rust wrapper around the popular libsodium library. Libsodium is known for its high-quality cryptographic primitives and easy-to-use interface, and Sodiumoxide brings all of that power to Rust developers.

With Sodiumoxide, you can easily implement secure encryption, decryption, and hashing in your Rust projects. And because it's based on libsodium, you can be sure that your data is protected by the latest and most secure cryptographic techniques.

3. Ring

Ring is a Rust library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for cryptographic primitives. It includes everything from symmetric ciphers and hash functions to public-key cryptography and digital signatures.

One of the great things about Ring is its focus on simplicity. The library is designed to be easy to use, even for developers who are new to cryptography. And because it's written in Rust, you can be sure that it's fast and efficient, even on resource-constrained devices.

4. Rustls

Rustls is a TLS library written in Rust. It provides a secure and efficient way to handle encrypted connections in your Rust projects. With Rustls, you can easily implement secure communication between your server and client applications.

One of the great things about Rustls is its focus on security. The library is designed to be resistant to common attacks, such as protocol downgrade attacks and padding oracle attacks. And because it's written in Rust, you can be sure that it's fast and efficient, even on resource-constrained devices.

5. Crypto

Crypto is a Rust library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for cryptographic primitives. It includes everything from symmetric ciphers and hash functions to public-key cryptography and digital signatures.

One of the great things about Crypto is its focus on simplicity. The library is designed to be easy to use, even for developers who are new to cryptography. And because it's written in Rust, you can be sure that it's fast and efficient, even on resource-constrained devices.


In conclusion, these are the best Rust packages for cryptography that you should consider using in your projects. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive collection of cryptographic algorithms or a simple and easy-to-use interface for cryptographic primitives, these packages have got you covered. So why wait? Start using these packages today and keep your data safe and secure!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed